Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Over Sensitive?

While I'm in full-on irascible crank mode, I was perusing a few other blogs and came across this post on Towleroad. Now, the post itself is innocuous enough. Quite frankly, I could care less about it, and I'm sure there are literally thousands of gay couples attending US Open matches. I may go myself. Obviously not as a gay couple. The part that totally frosted my balls is buried down in the comments. To wit: the comment/"joke" by one Jared that whatever is perceived as "wrong" with Lance Bass' face is because of protease inhibitors. Because they're gay. And all gay people are HIV +. Cause they all have a disease. From being gay. Funn-nee! So I sent him a little note:

Hello. I read the little joke comment you left on the Towleroad blog. I’m assuming the “joke” is that all gay people are HIV positive. Real clever. Since you decided to post in such a public forum, I have no hesitation in letting you know I found it completely unfunny. You’re a bigot and a complete asshole.

I feel better, anyway.

In a semi-related vein did you hear? NYC gave away 12.2 million condoms last year as a way to help stem the spread of HIV. Do they have any that say I (heart) NY? Cause I would totally use them. Maybe there's some at the US Open.

I like to do a test run whenever I get new pills from Dr. Nick. In case they've slipped me a placebo and I find out while waiting in the dentist's office. Since I was already in angry man phase it seemed like a good time. I'm happy to report I'm quite high. Wheeeeeee!

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