Thursday, August 03, 2006

Is It Just Me?

I'm finding it ridiculously annoying to have our multi-billionaire mayor go on TV and scold us about how we are selfishly using up precious power, and if we don't cut it out, we're going to plunge the city into the Dark Ages. And it will be our own fault. Sorry Mike, I'm not running a dishwasher. I can't afford one. I'm not running a washer/dryer. I use the laundromat around the corner. I have an air-conditioner and a TV and a computer. That's it. And if they all keep running, I'm set. So pardon me if that's selfish. I'm trying to keep cool and mildly entertained. I don't feel the least bit guilty about that. And it's why I'm rather annoyed that manhole (giggle) fires on the East side caused Con-Ed to reduce power to most of the East side. Including my neighborhood. We got power but no juice. The air conditioner is on, and it's not as hot in the bedroom but by no means cooled. The lights are flickering and the TV keeps shutting itself off. Power dips mean the internet phone keeps re-cycling and is for all intents useless. Ditto for the PC. The connection drops when the power fluctuates. So I've temporarily de-camped for West of 5th Avenue. I'm currently in a Starbucks so I can get my internet jones fed. Then it's off to the gym to ride out the rest of the afternoon heat. And yes, I realize what a spoiled, over-entitled white American I sound like, complaining that I had to go across town for my five dollar Tangerine Frappuccino and compose a blog entry on my years away from being paid for laptop computer but I'm a New Yorker, it's my right to complain. It says so on the lease to my ridiculously small but moderately priced apartment.

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