Sunday, April 01, 2007

5 Days And Counting

We're in the home stretch, at least to the opening day for the restaurant. In addition to the mention in and The New York Times, there is an upcoming New York Post feature to be shot next week. I've heard talk that New York Magazine is working on a feature as well. I have nothing to do with arranging nor speaking to the press. The people that are invested in the venture are total media whores, and love whatever press they can get for themselves. This week in addition to the Jennifer Lopez record release (I can confess after the fact) we did an after concert party for Mika. He's been getting a ton of mainstream press, as well as a fair dose of controversy. The result of courting and cavorting with the gay goss-erazzi, all the while refusing to discuss/divulge his own butt-pirate proclivities. Honey, if you spend your entire night joined at the pear-shaped hip of a certain blue haired, stubby dicked (I just know) wanna-be celebu-taint, you're gay as groceries. It didn't work when The Gayken tried to pass, why should it work for you? And scene ...

Day off today, and then a week of training the staff on computer use and menu descriptions, as well as table numbers and cash out procedures. We're doing soft openings on Mon.-Weds. then a cocktail party opening on Thursday. Friday lunch we open to the paying public. Ready or not. I can't wait ' till all the "experts" and partners and consultants finally leave. They aren't annoying me nearly as much as when I first started, but it's tiring trying to get my work done and at least pretend to pay lip service to whatever ridiculous unrealistic idea pops into their heads. "Yeah sure, 8 waiters on a Monday lunch shift seems like a fantastic use of the available staff. I'll get right on that. SUCKAH!" I swear this is true, one of the chef/partners asked me why we had "all new people" on the party the other night. I actually had to explain that they were new because they'd only been employed for three days. Ah well, maybe he's an idiot-savant.

I'm getting along famously with my boss as well as one of the other managers and most of the office staff. Another manager took a leave after one day on the job when a good friend had to undergo cancer treatment. He'll be back in two more weeks, long after we get the opening underway, but the help will be appreciated. The other manager they've hired seems to be struggling. Either he's in the early stages of Parkinson's or he drinks. Knowing my chosen profession I'd have to go with the latter. In addition to the shakes he's moody, he can't get to work on time, and he's avoiding the morning shift like, well, quite frankly, me. I see so much of the old me in him I actually have taken to avoiding him. He makes me sad.

Being short a manager and 1/2 will make this week even harder than it naturally will be. In addition to somehow faking my way through a computer system we are woefully ill-prepared to implement, I'll have to come up with a list of managers closing and opening procedures, as well as an efficient logical way to close down the bars/registers. And I have to make sure the staff payroll records are in order, as well as create an office filing system from scratch. All with an eye towards making my life easier, of course.

Days without alcohol: 54.

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