Thursday, July 27, 2006

Can You Feel The Love, Tonight?

I'm not someone who is obsessed with hits to my site, but I do check who's stopping by periodically. If I notice an unusual jump in traffic I will go see what's causing it. I'm proud to say I get visits from all over the world. From Yugoslavia to Brazil and even countries in Africa. I try not to think about it too much as mostly I feel like my writing is only mildly entertaining or informative. I would hate to disappoint some gay boy in a country far away who's always dreamed of coming to New York, only to have me make it sound almost boring.

But it did get me thinking about the ways people arrive to my site. Of course, due to a lot of the images I have posted over the years, tons of eyeballs arrive via Google Image search. A lot of those people seem to pop in and pop right back out. Occasionally, someone will stay for over an hour reading 20-30 pages. I'm kind of gratified they find what I've done that interesting and a little creeped out. I also think it's kind of hysterical that nine times out of ten if someone has arrived from an image search and hit on the only spanking picture I've ever posted, chances are they're from England. You Brits love the spankings, huh? Naughty Nigel.

So there's a subfilter on Sitemeter where you can see website referrals based on visits. I thought I would tell you the top 10 Blogs that refer traffic to my little page. I've omitted all image search referrals as well as Google search words. Needless to say, I get a lot of visits when people Google "fat fuck". I'm also not including Technorati nor any pay sites. Ready? The list is in reverse order. The links are off to the right if you want to explore further.

10. Greek gay lolita
9. Acid Reflux: Life & Times of A Poz Guy. (Feel better soon, Brian!)
8. Best Gay Blogs
7. What the .... (and one sexy sum'bitch!)
6. How does one deal? (Hi Mikell)
5. Shades of Grey (there's a connection I can't quite figure)
4. We, Like Sheep
3. Geekslut (that connection, I totally get)
2. Hunter James (who I see out or on the street several times a month but I'm too shy to say hello)

and the number one Blog referrer to me over-all, is: (drumroll)
1. Always Gay. Always.

I thank you all for listing me on your sites. I hope I return the favor on occasion.

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