Sunday, May 11, 2008

Greetings From The Catbird Seat

In an interesting turn of events, I find my services suddenly very much in demand. It seems through 100% reliable sources that I am about to be given a promotion and a raise. This was confirmed from a "private" courtesy call from my boss yesterday. I have a face to face scheduled with him on Monday in which specifics will be discussed. This is great news. What's also quite interesting is I'm currently in talks with another corporation that feels they may want to pay me to drag my increasingly saggy white ass a few blocks south and come work for them. The exact position hasn't been offered but they have already assured me they can "easily beat" my current (pre-raise) salary. And then words like "incentive bonuses" and "opening new stores" and "travel" where bandied about. I love to bandy.

Several meetings are in order with both parties before I come to any final decision. Believe it or not, money will not be the entire deal breaker. Between my new sobriety and my ongoing love affair with HIV (and Ben & Jerry's), it's the quality of my life that is and always will be my main focus. I will find a quiet spot on a walk with Jet and try to get in touch with my "higher power" and hopefully come to a peaceful decision that feels right for me right now. The future will out. And you can quote me on that.

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