Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Been A While Since I Put It In

That's right. I got a paycheck. I hadn't had the chance to piss and moan about the bad news I got during my ill-fated trip to New Jersey. My boss went with us for computer training and it was there I was told that managers were on a bi-weekly pay schedule. Which meant the $130 I had barely budgeted to get me through one week would have to get me through two. Impossible you say? You have no faith. I actually had figured out how I was going to accomplish this with many cans of tuna, ramen and mac and cheese in my immediate future. Unfortunately, it meant going further in to debt and being late on several payments this month. The only thing I had to look forward to was the fact that I would get a fat paycheck and my roommate's share of the rent all in the same weekend. Eventually, if I could hold on I'd be flush.

But this evening Allah smiled on my homosexual soul, as it was revealed that my boss was in error. He is considered administrative and thus he falls in to the bi-weekly category. I am fortunately still lumped in with the restaurant employees and as such, I'm paid weekly. Halle-fucking-lujah! The casual way he handed me my first paycheck was totally offset by the way I waved my arms in the air and did a "I got some ice cream, and you can't have none" dance. After depositing the check in the bank and remarking to myself how long its been since I filled out a deposit ticket and how very long it has been since I earned a solid week's pay. I took off for home and pulled out .... an ever growing pile of bills. I proceeded to pay four of the most immediate and glaringly outsized bills at once. Next is the Amex card I've been living on all month. The thing most people hate about Amex is my favorite feature. The whole bill is due every month, which is a drag, but there's no interest and once you pay it, that debt is gone. I always feel like I've taken a satisfying poo when I pay that bill. Happy and noticeably lighter.

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