Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Far Too Early, Even Sober

Up at 7 am today. I have to make my way downtown by 9:00 so I can hitch a ride with a new co-worker. We have to go to New Jersey (!) and train on the new computer system. In theory, after today we'll be proficient enough to teach the system to the staff. Riiiiiiiight. I spent all afternoon pouring over wine catalogues to come up with a serviceable wine list. I'm pretty happy with the result. My wine knowledge is limited to the gallons I've drank over the years, and whatever I've picked up from restaurants or reading. Deliveries start arriving on Thursday and staff training is scheduled for Monday afternoon. They've pushed back the opening but only by a few days.

Woke up with a killer headache today as yesterday we worked with the windows open to alleviate fumes from sanding, painting etc. I was in a chilly draft for hours.

Today is 42 days sober. 6 weeks. The longest I've been sober in over 10 years, maybe 15. My reward?

Jersey ... pray for me.

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