Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Creature Comforts

Despite the fact that we've had a moderate November so far, (that's a sure jinx) I've been waking up a little cold in the morning. So today I took a few minutes to put a set of flannel sheets on the bed. As he always does, Jet immediately jumped on the bed and began to roll around. I finally realized that while I absolutely adore the smell and feel of clean sheets, Jet prefers "his" bed to smell like Jet. I did draw the line when we returned from his walk. It was raining. No wet paw prints for a few days please.

Last week, I bought what I thought would be a great laundry bag (at a generous 40% discount).

I quickly had buyers remorse when I spotted one I thought would be better. But I decided to stay the course. It's such a simple purchase but it ended up fitting perfectly in the corner of my bedroom. Instead of an unsightly overflowing laundry bag, I'm enjoying a nice neat corner where I can throw my socks. In short, I love it. Best of all, after laundry day is done, it collapses down to almost nothing.

Things I enjoy about living alone:

  • It takes almost a week to fill the garbage. That frequently happened in a day.
  • It takes almost a week and a half to use a roll of toilet paper. The Ex used to go through fistfulls of it.
  • The bathroom light is off when not in use.
  • The garbage never overflows.
  • There is always ice in the freezer.
  • The toilet seat is ALWAYS SHUT!
  • The kitchen bar/counter is always cleaned of food and crumbs.
Things I don't like:
  • I'm thinking ....

Despite the trepidation, I haven't run into either one of them since moving day. It can't last forever, but I like it.

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