Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cool Tech Restaurant & Alpha Dog

Intriguing news of a new Asian-fusion restaurant/lounge freshly opened in London. Inamo features projectors built in to the ceiling above 2,4 and 6 top tables. Customers have interactive touch panels to order food and drinks, and can change their E-cloths (gag) to one of seven available choices, as well as scroll through the menu. Each interactive table is capable of running games and ordering up taxi service. The waiters apparently answer questions and coddle technoboobs.

I took Riley to Madison Square dog run Sunday morning. He had a fantastic time running and wrestling with the other pooches. I did have to repeatedly pull him off of a Schnauzer he had become enamored with and couldn't stop with the Humpty-Hump. He is still humping, particularly when he gets over stimulated, but he generally doesn't bother the little dogs anymore, which was what was freaking out other owners. We had been there well over 1/2 hour and I had taken up a space on a wrap-around tree bench while Riley walked around and mostly sniffed some butt.

At some point a pair of long-haired Labs had come in, and after taking the obligatory sniff, Riley opted to assume the position on one. At which point the other dog's owner, a seemingly grown man at least my age, suddenly started grabbing Riley to throw him off while he screeched like a woman: NOOOOOO! MY DOG IS AN ALPHA DOG!!! HE WILL ATTACK!!

Seriously. Those were his exact words and he practically wailed them.

He didn't hurt Riley and all I said was "wow". Everyone sort of stopped and stared at the man while he regained his composure. Riley had no idea anything had occurred so as calmly as could be, but with an appropriate hint of sarcasm I called him over:

"Come here, Riley. You don't want to upset the Alpha Dog." Some of the other owners snickered and one woman called Riley over to give him a pat and re-assure him:

"You didn't do anything wrong."

The crazy screechy dog man muttered something under his breath, and I hung out with Riley for an extra 10 minutes just to aggravate him further. Had I thought of it at the time I would have walked over without a word and peed on him.

I'm the Alpha Dog that will attack.

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