Wednesday, July 18, 2007

In The News ...

The Canadian press is reporting on a gay bashing that took place in Quebec City on July 1, in which a man was severely beaten by a group of skinheads after leaving a downtown gay bar. In response, the Quebec GLBT rights group has decided to take the radical and bold step of holding ... wait for it ... a brunch.

Leave it to the French-Canadians to call a brunch, located "a few steps from where the young man was attacked" symbolic. How did that conversation go?:

"Zut, alors!"

"What eez it Jean-Michel?"

"Oh, Jean-Pierre! Ze gay boy was attacked by ze skeenheads!"

"Non! Zat eez an outrage! What can we do?"

"I have called Jean-Louis. He eez organizing zee protest on Sunday."

"Sunday? Mais Jean-Michel, Sunday eez ..."

"Do not worry, Jean-Pierre. Eet eez a protest ... and a brunch, aussi!"

"Brilliant! We will drink zee Mimosa's at zee skeenheads in a disdainful manner!"

"C'est vrai! They weel think twice about gay bashing after we eat zee omelette."

"I am calling Jean-George and Jean-Jacques."

Coming up next month, the French-Canadian BBQ against world hunger... "We weel dress like zee cowboy!"

Oh, and I had sex with a stranger.

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