Thursday, December 29, 2005

Back On The Mean Streets

My vacation in Buffalo (!) has come to an end, I've returned to Nueva York. Something has changed. In me. I feel ... different. Stronger. And definitely less afraid. Also, I'm thinking in sentence fragments. Christmas here apparently was ... interesting. The Ex threw his back out again. He's walking funny but he's able to work. The Hellcat had a bad tooth act up and ended up in the emergency room Christmas night because of the pain. He had a root canal yesterday. The interesting part of all this? I don't really care. I think I'm done with these two.

On another note: As I mentioned before, I password protected my gadgets before I left town. I discovered to my frustration that using system restore won't bypass a lost (forgotten) password. Logging in as the administrator and deleting the passsword is the way to go.

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