Monday, March 14, 2005

Monday, Monday ...

Well, you're all back in your soul-sucking little cubicles, where a little bit of you dies just a little bit more every day. Psyche! I'm not getting up 'till the crack of noon and then I have the day off! Awww, I'm just kidding. I am excited my work week is over and while I'm pulling a double shift next Saturday, I got a third day off this week because of it. Sweet.

From The Dept. Of Maybe I Have Finally Seen It All:

We did another room rental tonight for an outside promoter. Two words: Israeli Hip-Hop. In Hebrew! I swear I'm not kidding. (Go Shlomo, It's yer birthday, Go Shlomo ...)

Yeah, it's all fun and games, until A Zombie Eats Your Brain! Seriously, it's fiction people. Zombies aren't real. Anymore.

The new digital camera arrived last week. The damn thing does everything but my laundry. It's taken me a week of subway trips just to finish reading the manual. If you need some (cough) naked (cough) pictures, I'm looking for willing subjects.

Trying and failing to get in to my edit page all day, and I got scooped. As a ton of people have already commented, The New York Times ran the most bizzare non-story story about the East Village drunk-dive The Cock. Amazingly, while interviewing patrons on a wide range of subjects from HIV/AIDS to $250 jeans, the folks at the Old Gray Lady never actually print the word "cock".


Text message from Neo to me:

Neo: Townhouse needs a new manager, Frank quit.

Me: Not available.

Neo: Please?

Me: (no answer)

Neo: I'll treat you like a whore.

Me: If you had done that before I'd still be there.

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