Saturday, March 06, 2004

Random Thoughts Saturday

- Miss Martha is Guilty!
Even though I said as much in this here very blog, it's still pretty surprising to me when rich people are found guilty of anything. Apparently, when you factor woman and bitch into the legal equation you get a very different result. I'm really sad to hear she's just been cancelled here in New York City. I would curl up on the couch at 2 am with all the lights out and tune in her show. That Stepford voice she used to narrate things would frequently lull me to sleep.

- My First Time
I just ate my first grapefruit. I have had various forms of grapefuit juice in my life, (with and without vodka) but it struck me as I was eating it this morning that I had never done this before. How do I know? Because I did it wrong. A couple of notes: It's not enough to cut the grapefruit in half you also have to cut the fruit away from the skin, otherwise you end up with a big pulpy sticky mess in the dish. Also, it needs Sweet & Low.

- I'm Disappearing!
I accidently lost two pounds in the last couple of weeks. I say accidently because I'm eating three squares a day and pretty large portions too. I think my body is just settling into it's new weight so I can expect a pound or two fluctuation for a while.

- I Have an Itch
That can usually only be satisfied by the purchase of a big ticket item. The question is, what? My laptop is fine but I admit I was distracted by the shiny new sub- $800 Dell that just came out. My PC is turbo now and I've fallen deeply in love with the girl. Maybe a simple external drive might be cute as I have no use for my firewire port right now. But that's not big ticket enough. Maybe I'll forget tech and see if I can figure a way to juggle the books and come up with enough scratch to buy a new mattress set. My bed takes a queen (ha!) but I've only got a full size mattress without a box spring on it.

- What I'm Reading Now:
Life Outside - Michelangelo Signorile - The Signorile Report on Gay Men: Sex, Drugs, Muscles and the Passages of Life

Psychic Vampires - Joe H. Slate, Ph.D. - Protection From Energy Predators and Parasites

HTML in easy steps - Mike McGrath

Ah well, It's beauteous out and the rain has stopped. I'm off to tha Kmart and to ogle NYU boys!

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