Saturday, December 23, 2006

I Wish You Joy

I'll hit the ground running tomorrow as I have to work all day, come home, drop the love bomb on Jet and then head out to JFK to catch a night flight for a midnight arrival in Buffalo. I'll miss whatever Christmas Eve party they'll do but I'll be with the family on Christmas Day and that's a happy thing.

So while I may have time to post something during Christmas I may not. I return to NYC late on the 26th. After that, my household will be expanding to include one human female and one tiny dog, male. And it's the start of a whole new chapter of life around my Castle High Atop Second Avenue.

It's been an interesting (to me) year. I'll see if I can come up with an entertaining re-cap for a New Year post. But for now, I would just like to wish my blog buddies and interested parties a Merry Christmas (not happy holidays). I hope the season brings you and those you share your lives and love with peace and joy. I am mindful of the past that has unfolded, and excited about the future yet to be revealed. I am hopeful that I have learned what the universe had to teach me thus far. Mostly, I'm just happy. And happy that you drop by from time to time.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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