Sunday, October 10, 2004

Get Your Geek On

Holy Shit! After all these years (and that's no exaggeration) I finally got Outlook Express to synch up with Outlook and my MSN mail account. I wasn't even trying and the way to do it just popped into my head. And what do you know, it worked. Small victories, my friends.

Went to the post office this morning to pick up a package. It was a wireless keyboard for my Palm. The damn thing runs off two AAA batteries. That's it. I got it on so while it came with software, I had to hunt down (a bit) the documentation to figure out how it works. Once I did though it worked like a dream. It's about half the size of a full computer keyboard, but the whole keyboard is color coded and icon loaded so it's perfectly obvious how to use it. I decided to get the keyboard because upon further investigation, a replacement for the LCD screen for my laptop will run around $300. Money I can better use for, oh, I don't know, food. So down the road someday I'll just get a whole new laptop. But in the meantime I was a little frustrated losing my mobility. The Duchess likes to roam the countryside and blog amongst her subjects. So now I can unpack a couple gadgets even smaller than my laptop (which I have to confess I think is kind of cunt) and bang out whatever happens to bubble to the surface in this fever dream I call life.

In other news....

German police investigating possible cult of gay cannibals.

I worked out every day this week since Tuesday. Sometimes hard, sometimes not, but every day. Today I fuckin' blasted my abs. I'll pay for that tomorrow. A good workout makes me horny. So does a good meal. And fresh air. And clean laundry.

I like martinis.

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