Monday, August 15, 2005

Greetings From Tonawanda, NY

I successfully escaped the stink tank of New York City for the tiny town from which I grew up. While technically, I'm still in the same state, I may as well be a million miles from my adopted home. People still leave their car doors unlocked around here, and last night I slept behind the dubious security of a locked screen door. It was all that prevented me from falling victim to a forceful gay rapist. I say, it was all that .... aw, skip it.

I couldn't resist yesterday's filth-ridden post. I trust no one's delicate sensibilities were too deeply offended.

Things have gone along as expected here in Injun' Country. Mom and dad have been sweet and very accommodating. My habit of nodding off at least once a day continues. I really think it's the quiet, and the knowledge that I don't need to do anything or be anywhere for hours at a time. The relief of that is making me lapse into the unconsciousness I deny myself as part of my daily routine. My chronically aching back seems to have disappeared. As for the liver clean-up (AISLE 6!) that's going rather well. It helps that no one in my family drinks nary a drop these days. So it's not like someone's mixing up a pitcher of martini's that I'm oh, so politely declining. Prohibition has set in 'round here. Besides, I've had a chance to test a theory. I was finding that the 5mg of Ambien I would take as a substitute for my Martini Mallet had almost no effect on me. However, double the dosage to 10mg and I'm good for at least 6 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep accompanied by the wildest fucking dreams. Yahoo! That's been fun!

As another side effect, I've had the chance to do some serious thinking about my life and the direction it's taken. I've made some important decisions already with more to follow. Excuse me for being cryptic, I'm just trying not to give away a good idea and trying not to brag about something before I've had the chance to bring it to fruition. Suffice it to say I believe I've solved a short-term obstacle and a long term fear as to what I was going to do in the next chapter of my life. For the first time in a long time, I'm excited about the possibilities in my future. For the first time in a long time, I'm starting to actually see a future. And to think, it took me coming all the way back to the shit-hole that spawned me, for me to actually find the answer.

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