Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Busy Busy ...

I have many things to tell you about but no time right now to tell you.

Coming up:

The Mystery Of The Park For Whites Only

A Revelation With The Therapist

Quitting My Job

The Damn Contest I've Been Promising!!!

Coming Out, Again (Pt. 2)

What's The Deal With The Dirty Sex Dreams?

At any rate, The Ex had been planning a trip to Cali. Over the weekend he threw his back out (again) and e-mailed me that he was calling off the trip. The same trip that would have left me all alone in my castle high atop Second Avenue for almost five days. I urged him to reconsider. I pointed out that his back may not be as serious as he thinks and maybe he should wait before taking such drastic actions. I freely admit I didn't give a shit about his tweeky back. I just wanted the place to myself for a few days. I would love to get it cleaned up and have it stay that way for more than a day or two. I would love to invite a "date" over for some filthy gay sex. I would love to have a shower and not worry about covering myself between the bathroom and my bedroom. Luckily, he has since determined that his back isn't as bad as he thought. The trip is back on and as an additional bonus, I have a four day break coming up the following week. I have much to accomplish, but if I don't engineer some filthy gay sex during the course of my days off, I will feel like I let us both down.

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