Friday, November 09, 2007

My RealAge

I clipped off three years. I guess I can still fudge on my Manhunt profile ...

Your RealAge calculation is ready! See below:

Today, November 8, 2007, your RealAge is 42.7! But you could be younger -- in as few as 90 days. Simply follow your personalized recommendations in My RealAge Plan.

Your RealAge was calculated by assessing over 100 different health factors, from lifestyle to genetics to medical history. The factors that are aging you, the costs, are counterbalanced by the things you are doing right, called your RealAge Benefits.

Will you become younger in the future? Find out . . .

Print your Smart Patient Profile and take it to the doctor.

The following benefits and costs show what is making your RealAge younger or older. You'll notice that most items you have within your control. Read My RealAge Plan to learn how to turn costs into benefits in 90 days!

Good sleep levels
Ideal BMI
Good genes
Limited or no secondhand smoke exposure
Parents relationship
Vitamin E intake
Ideal blood pressure
Calcium intake
Vitamin C intake
Distances traveled
Daily vitamin
Diverse diet

Learn how these benefits make your RealAge younger!

Low unsaturated fat
Medication use
Lycopene levels
Low vegetable intake
Folic acid intake
High resting heart rate
Lack of flexibility exercises
Workout schedule
Potassium levels
Low grain intake
Low omega-3 intake
Low fruit servings
Oral hygiene concerns
Aspirin use
High red meat intake
Lack of daily breakfast
Flossing habits
Social network and stress
Strength training level

Learn how to stop most of these costs from making your RealAge older!

Medical Disclaimer: All information on this site is of a general nature and is furnished for your knowledge and understanding only. This information is not to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to your specific health and medical condition

Are you biologically younger, older,
or the same as your calendar age?
Take the free RealAge test. You’ll get:

A personalized plan to feel younger
A list of what’s making you younger or older

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