Sunday, October 28, 2007


Went to work at 3:30 pm Saturday. Got home at 6:40 am Sunday. Jet just fell out of bed. Stupid doggie.

More later.

OK. Had some coffee, a hot meal and a hot shower. I'm feeling better if not a bit out of sorts. We had a very busy Saturday night on it's own, but we had a bit of extra pressure because the owner was in town entertaining yet another important business contact. In the last few weeks we've hosted the presidents of two major record labels as well as the CEO of a Universal-ly known media group. Last night, it was international media tycoon Rupert Murdoch who came in for dinner. I'm not sure why "the Rupe" was in town and what in the world his interest was in an over sized karaoke bar, but I don't know all the ins and outs of the owner's financial arrangements nor do I particularly care. It's not my money and never will be. It was enough that my employers most definitely cared that things went well. And apparently, they had been stressing out a lot of the other managers all afternoon. Phone calls and text messages were flying. By the time I arrived at work, the other manager I was to be working with for the night had worked herself into a total frenzy. And she seemed to be intent on passing her mania on to me. She just kept talking about how this was a crisis and that was going wrong and this person was late and that person wanted some sort of special arrangement and how her phone hadn't stopped ringing. I responded by listening to her mad rantings at length and then smiling and assuring her that it would all be fine. I'm sure she thinks I'm a complete asshole.

But you know what, it did turn out totally fine. Everyone got sat at a desirable table, all the food came out hot, looking good and in a timely fashion. The entertainment was terrific, the energy was positive and the stress level, although high, never got out of control. People did their jobs. As I believe they can and they will. It's why I don't understand why a competent person would allow herself to be completely twisted in knots by a situation that is totally manageable. All you need to do is trust yourself and show the people around you that you are expecting their best. They usually give it to you.

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