Sunday, February 15, 2004

Uh, about the elephant in the room….


Rock on! San Francisco!

All right, so I’ll weigh in on my views of this whole gay marriage thing and the extraordinary events in S.F. the last few days. A big shout out to Mayor Gavin Newsom. Nice set of balls, man. Now, I have been following along on this whole gay marriage issue not because I actually ever would get married. I’ve been fascinated by the issue because of the strong socio-political arguments people for or against have been pulling out their asses to justify their positions. I understand it’s extremely important to many gays and lesbians to be able to marry. There are monetary advantages (I guess), as well as the implications of living in a society that recognizes and validates your relationship regardless of either of your genders. This is presuming you are the type of person that requires others to validate your relationship. The legal implications regarding medical issues, treatment and rights of inheritance are all important considerations as well. Because it seems so all fired important to so many gays and lesbians to have the right to marry, and truthfully, because it seems so all fired important for various “in defense of family” (pick one) groups that we not have that right, I landed firmly in the camp of pro gay marriage rights. Let my fellow suckers and lappers wed!

I would never. Why my fellow fags and lezzies are so eager to imitate straight people and their ridiculous constructs is beyond me. Close to 60% of all “straight” marriages end in divorce. Lives that have been tangled then have to be untangled, often at great expense, benefiting no one but hordes (whores) of lawyers. To what end? My parents have been married almost 50 years. I remember the times growing up when I was sure they were splitting up. They never did. Almost impossibly, had you asked me twenty years ago, they’ve managed to hash out what appears to be a comfortable detent that occasionally even manages to look like love, or at least like. Good for them. But I’m not my parents, I never wanted to be my parents. I never wanted to live like my parents. I never wanted that cookie cutter house in suburbia. I’ve never wanted to own a car. I’ve never really wanted kids all that much. And if I did decide I wanted kids I know where they keep ‘em, I’d just go get a couple. And I don’t care how much I say I love you and I can’t imagine my life without you, I also can’t imagine giving you access to my checking account. I have no interest in imitating heterosexual constructs nor do I need to attend their churches nor do I need to quote from their bible as I harass young poor mothers and blow up their health care centers and kill their doctors. And while I would find it amusing to pretend to get my morality handed to me by an 80 yr old man in a dress in Rome who can barely hold his head up long enough to string a coherent thought, I’m afraid I’d tire of that quickly as well, and would fall back on the true moral center I try to use on a daily basis.

Still, you have to love what’s going on in S.F. If you’ve read the link to the letter Mayor Newsom sent, he did couch his argument and (I assume) his justification for his actions in purely legal, non-discrimination arguments, I’m also assuming he was quite aware that throwing open City Hall doors to a thousand (or so) homo couples was gonna seriously frost some uptight ass. Of course, that’s the part I love. And all due respect to Ms. Cho, (link to her, now!) it damn straight Skippy is an act of civil disobedience. And one of the best acts of civil disobedience since Rosa said, “The back of the bus?” and snapped her gum and sat front and center. "Please..."

For a straight writer's pretty cool view of this issue.

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