Friday, December 19, 2003

D'oh! D'oh!

So Tuesday morning I sent a rather nasty e-mail to my boss down in Florida. Actually, in my defense it was in response to a downright stupid comment and an annoying e-mail from him. Also I was only on my first cup of coffee so reason, it seemed,. hadn't woke up yet. About an hour or so later I was fully awake and began to think this may really piss him off. Ah, fuck it. I make a woefully low salary what do I care? Then I thought maybe I should give Jabba The Drunk a heads up as typically, even when my boss wants to talk about me, he calls Jabba and tells him to tell me. How old am I? Finally around 7:30 or so I stopped in at a Kinko's and sent the original e-mail, my response, and the reason it all started by fax to Jabba. Too late. Apparently, my boss had been burning up the phone lines all afternoon between Florida and New Jersey. Typical, I make him so made he wants to fire me and he still calls Jabba. Daddy, why won't you pay attention to me? Why Daddy, why?

Beside the fact that I probably shouldn't have been rude I was totally right. These motherfuckers think that they are going to underpay me, give me no benefits, not provide health insurance and I'm not just gonna run their bar but administer their web site, run an e-mail list and design their advertising for the bar and any other business they want me to work for. Migrant farm workers have better jobs then me. At least use lube, Daddy.

Anyway, I'm not fired. godammit...

Note to self: My PC is fax capable. Figure out how it works, idiot.