Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow What?

Mr. Man loves the snow. Not so much the puddles of wet watery slush that gather at every street corner. Once he realizes they are a problem he will happily let me lead him to a drier spot to cross the street so his delicate little pads don't have to be dipped in the ice water.

But once he gets to a snow covered dog run he becomes the rough-housing teenager again, and tonight he found more than a few willing playmates. The best was this black mop of a poodle mix, well equipped to roll around in the snow for hours. Obviously, Riley is recovered from surgery.

The snow is wet and heavy, perfect for snowman making, and there are sculptures and snowmen all over both sides of Stuyvesant Park. I will see if I can document them with a camera tomorrow. Meanwhile, I couldn't resist getting someone to snap a pic of me next to this impressive fellow. Must be 7 feet tall.

For the record, this is certainly not a blizzard. A fairly big snowstorm (for Manhattan) to be sure. But I grew up in Buffalo and I know from blizzards. We had two real blizzards in my lifetime, in 1977 and in '85. After relocating here to NYC, I was well-prepared to survive the Blizzard of '96. Reports are that the high winds that would have made this a blizzard are actually behind the storm and rolling in tomorrow. Which will suck. But it's not a blizzard.

This is a blizzard.

Photo of a house almost completely buried in snow in the aftermath of the "Blizzard of '77" in Western New York. Photo taken by Jeff Wurstner. Tonawanda, New York on Parker Boulevard between Brompton Road and Elicott Creek Road.

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